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Simon Torrance

I very much agree with your sentiments. What we've tried to do with the 'Telco 2.0' initiative is completely avoid the tecchy love-in which is web 2.0 and focus on a straight forward notion of 'how telcos can make money in an increasingly IP-based world'. It's very simple and commercial and (from a capitalist point of view - jobs, pensions, etc) helpful, we hope. Web 2.0 is a growing buzz word now in telco R&D depts, parts of marketing and CTO offices. But we've invented 'Telco 2.0' to focus on commercial success for telcos - exploiting web 2.0 ideas, technologies and usage trends.

Karen Johnson

I enjoyed your clarity and thoughtfulness. Blind obeisance is always worrying even about something that appears to bring so much good. If Web 2.0 really means we can all contribute why does so much of the newspeak seems to be at pains to exclude rather than to include. It rivals medieval Latin and 21st century pension documents for impenetrable opacity. I hope this is a phase and we may look forwards to an era of more universally accessible language.

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