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I think the problem is that it's the HTML-Code that's indexed. There should be a microformat for video containing all the required informations about the video, the creator, the "originating" site and so on. Then you could access the video with its associated informations without the need to visit the "originating" site.

Nico Flores

Bertram - Are you sure of that? Google Images seems to work quite well without any microformats, fancy metadata, etc. I really don't think this is a technical problem - it's one of business models (Google prefer to host video), etiquette (is it OK to embed someone else's video without permission?) and legislation (are there any legal precedents?). Metadata is usually oversold, imho.


Well I agree, injecting Metadata is quite a hassle and I'd love a better solution. But for the time being it could solve some problems. Why is Googel Images working so well? Because there is a convention for embedding images and you can see the full result in advance . I wager you could guess the images of any given news report just by reading the caption.
Speaking of business models you could create a new one by microjunking video and freeing it from html. My problem with video is usually where to link. If I link to the site containing the video there's too much clutter around and if I link directly to the video-file no context is given and nobody will watch the video.
So just find a way in the middle and that's what I meant with microformat: a way to link to and display a video with just the associated relevant information (by the way you could include licence information solving the etiquette and legal problem). With time I hope one could convince the YouTube and GoogleVideos to adopt.

Timo Stein

In addition to your post http://ondemandmedia.typepad.com/odm/2006/10/how_youtube_wor.html, you elaborate a bit on the tedious video search trial everyone has to suffer in order to just find a certain video. I think http://blinkx.com is close, however - I don't like their interface.
For me, new video search engines like http://www.lumerias.com are a better fit, as they combine the simple google search experience with a focused video search. But lumerias at the moment seems to be building its index and has not 100% coverage yet...

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